If we had to recommend one CMS to you, it would be Umbraco. It is a real pleasure to work with Umbraco. Both for you as a user and for us, developers and designers. We are happy to explain why.
We understand if you are thinking: yet another content management system (CMS) that is presented as the most user-friendly in the world. But we will convince you. Hold on tight, here are the benefits of Umbraco:
Sounds good, right? Believe us, it really is! And the list of advantages only keeps getting longer, because Umbraco continues to develop and always takes user feedback to heart.
Umbraco was invented and developed in 2000 by the Danish hacker Niels Hartvig and has been released as an open source content management system since 2005. From the start, Umbraco was set up as a user-friendly CMS. In the early years, Umbraco was Hartvig's one-man project, but since its open source release, a community around the CMS slowly began to emerge. Today, Umbraco is a large-scale company that works 24/7 on the development and optimization of the user-friendly CMS, practical documentation and training. In addition, Umbraco has a large community of helpful users internationally. A world player!
We are also avid Umbraco supporters. And not only that, we are also a recognized partner. The professional Umbraco Silver Partnership is a knowledge partnership. This means that we have all the know-how to make your Umbraco website a great success. In addition, we regularly follow Umbraco training courses, so that the skills of our experts are always up to date.
With Umbraco you are assured of the highest quality in terms of user-friendliness and reliability. Would you like more explanation or a demo? That is of course also possible. Feel free to drop by and experience the user-friendliness for yourself!